The Queue

Patrick: Flying solo on a project I thought up. I merged a couple of pop songs from the current Top Forty into one. I think all of you will recognize pretty quickly which songs once the video is released. The song is recorded, and I am just working on putting the Music Video together but This will serve as an opportunity for all of you to get to know me better. Hoping to get it up by the end of july.

(update : this song is fully recorded and mixed. I hope to shoot it sometime this week and get it posted asap. I'm looking forward to sharing it with you)

Emily Monich: On a slightly more serious note, we are delving into an exploration of cross atlantic trust. Taking a hard look at how our culture has developed, more specifically how technology has developed and the effect it has had on long distance, or international relationships (specific to couples). We take a couple in the sixties, communicating solely through letters and we compare that to today's couple, connected by several mediums of constant communication. Inspired and accompanied by Bob Dylan's infamous tune, Boots of Spanish Leather, this piece is sure to leave you wondering whether constant access to the one you love ultimately builds or breaks your relationship.

(update: Emily Monich got a job at Management 360!!! bad news is she has been relatively unavailable to collaborate on the project so it has been temporarily put on hold)

Patrick, Nick and Krista: Embark on a new Revenge/ Heist adventure. Planning, preparing, and robbing a well loved Diner in South Pasadena. Stay tuned for what is sure to be a wild ride.

(update: The script is written. If Krista would get her butt back to Los Angeles, production would start any day now)